• Abstract submission open: July 9, 2024
  • Deadline for abstract submissions: January 15, 2025
  • Abstract respond: February 10, 2025
  • All abstracts must be submitted through the official website using the online form
  • All abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • The abstract must not be published anywhere else
  • Please be aware that the author must register and attend in person to present the abstract once it is accepted. If the presenter is different from the author, kindly send an email to
  • The abstract will be submitted to the reviewers anonymously
  • Please follow the abstract guidelines listed below.
  • You can send your queries to
  • Abstracts must be written exclusively in good English, clearly showing the content to be presented.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Abstract Committee.
  • The Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted as one of the categories of submission and its decision is final. The Abstract Committee may conditionally accept an abstract and ask the authors to edit for grammar and clarity before final acceptance.
  • The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • The author’s names have to be mentioned as you wish them to appear in the final program preceded by initials.
  • Please underline the Presenting Author of the Abstract.
  • The abstract text should have a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 300 words only.
  • Feel free to incorporate 1 or 2 tables and figures into the abstract
  • The font should be TIMES NEW ROMAN and size to be 12.
  • The Abstract Committee reserves the right to correct any submission.
  • References are not required in the abstract.
  • Keywords are not required in the abstract.
  • Abbreviations should be spelled out, in parenthesis, in its first use in the abstract.
  • Introduction (Provide context or background information on the topic of your research. Explain the problem or question your study addresses and its significance)
  • Objective (State the main objective or aim of your research. What did you set out to investigate or demonstrate)
  • Methods (Briefly describe the methods or procedures you used in your study. Include details on study design, participants, materials, and analysis techniques)
  • Results (Summarize the key findings or results of your study. Include any important data or trends that emerged from your analysis)
  • Conclusion (Present the main conclusions or implications of your findings. Discuss the significance of your results and any potential future directions for research)
  • Ensure that the author, co-authors, country, or any personal information is not included once you download the abstract file.